November 2018: Focus on Andy Zimmermann

This is a guitar which I built from parts, including a Sustainiac pickup and electronics ( The neck pickup includes an electro-magnetic string driver/transducer.

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I played the guitar to make one of the tracks for a sound piece that I have been composing.

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The piece is called Facto. It begins with the sound of a synthesized ‘factory’, and continues with the actual sounds of, in order, trains, cars, planes, war jets and a rocket. I did a lot of the work in GarageBand and Audacity, but the final stages were done in Adobe Audition.

Zimmermann Facto    

sound file using sound effects, field recordings, and customized guitar

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I also recently uploaded to Youtube a video of my piece for last summer’s Breath and Matter exhibit at Boston Sculptors Gallery.     

Dialog Between Light and Darkness   

Video sculpture collaboration with Corey Michael Smithson

-Andy Zimmermann